Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bootcamp, Better Eating, and Bad Behavior

It's been a few days since I decided to get my butt in gear and start training for this half marathon and improve my eating habits.

So how am I doing? Well on the eating front, I'd say I'm doing just 'ok'. I have definitely made some changes but there is still plenty of room for improvement....but it's only been two days! I'm one of those people who just cannot have bad food in the house, especially since I'm at home with my daughter now. When I was working full time it was much easier for me; I always had such good intentions in the morning and would pack a great lunch with really healthy snacks. I find being at home a lot more difficult since I've got full access to my fridge and cupboards. 
I know, I know, I should just throw out all the bad stuff right? I should....but I'm constantly rationalizing having things like chips or candy in the house because 'I already bought it and don't want to just throw that money away' or 'my husband can eat that stuff if he wants, I just won't eat it'. Lame excuses, I'm aware. I'll get rid of it, because the fact of the matter is, I want my whole family to eat well and be healthy, not just me.
I did manage to make some great healthy dinners though- I tried two new meals: Chipotle Quinoa Chili (see below) and Zucchini Noodle Lasagna (my own creation!). They were both delicious and filling! They will definitely make it into my dinner rotation ;)

I managed to get myself to Carrie's bootcamp on Thursday and had an awesome work out! Lots of running, squats, push-ups, crunches, etc. My abs and legs are definitely feeling that burn even today, two days later. My goal for next week is to attend bootcamp 3 times. Tomorrow I plan on going on a 5k run with Carrie, and by run I mean- run and walk since I doubt I can make it the full 5k right now. I know some of you are probably saying- she can't make it 5k?! How the heck is she going to run a half marathon (which is just over 20k by the way)?!!! Well just watch me!

Onto my "bad behaviour"- I have a terrible habit of stepping on my scale way too much. I have already stood on my scale 3 times since my first post, not even a full 48hrs ago. That's just nutty. I weigh myself frequently for a couple reasons. First, to make myself feel bad. That's right, I weigh myself after I know I've eaten something I shouldn't or have had a very large portion size (which is usually at night and you'd weigh more anyways). Why would anyone do this? Well, I pretty much know I'm going to weigh more than I did the day before or that morning and I want to make myself feel bad, sort of punish myself, for eating badly or what have you. Great idea right? Yeah, not so much...this is not a healthy habit and I vow to stop this immediately!
I also have a nasty habit of weighing myself nearly every morning- especially if I ate really well the day before, like I expect to see a 2lb loss or something. This tends to have a negative effect on me as well because if I haven't lost weight I get discouraged (like this morning). I'm thinking I should institute weekly weigh-in's for myself...perhaps Weigh In Wednesdays?? Consider it done.

So goals for the upcoming week:
1. Bootcamp or workout 3 times 
2. Once a week weigh in
3. Improve eating habits!!! 
4. Meal plan my dinners

Alright, let's do it!

Chipotle Quinoa Chili
*Note: I didn't have chipotle chili powder so I just added extra chili powder and some red pepper flakes for spice. I also had mine without cheese to save a bit of calories. Enjoy!

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